The Tank Container Cleaning app enables you to digitally register and upload all information into DEPOT Software.
Cleaners only want to work with the DEPOT Cleaning App.
It's safe, it's fast and it's easy!
Suited for services
Key areas
Part of package
Forced safety popups
Optimized paperless process
Polymer checklist (CEFIC/ACTA/EFTCO)
Immediately saved in DEPOT Software!
Forced safety popups
Safety first! Cleaners are forced to see and safety instructions and important remarks. When cleaning a product for the first time, a remark can be sent back to the safety manager (or a lab).
Optimized paperless process
Cleaners can focus on their work instead of having to deal with paper administration, handoffs and communication with office personnel.
Polymer checklist (CEFIC/ECTA/EFTCO)
Force signing of polymer product checklist. Avoid additional paper trails, manual scanning and administration.
Cleaners just select an order, read and agree to the safety warnings and start cleaning.
Additional work can be added upon finishing a cleaning.
As environmental legislation, domain guidelines and ISO integrations increase, the Tank Container Cleaning App is the perfect way to enforce conformity.
For example: Best Pratice Guidelines for the Cleaning of dry bulk polymer transport tanks (CEFIC/ECTA/EFTCO)
This module runs on the existing DEPOT for Mobile infrastructure, and is thus easily enabled.
The app communicates with DEPOT Software via the internet, and also works well together with PLC integrated set-ups.
There are special safety requirements for using mobile devices in areas with explosive atmospheres, such as cleaning bays.
-EU users must comply with the ATEX directive (read more on the ATEX Wikipedia page)
-US users should check OSHA or NEC standards
All you need to know about DEPOT for Mobile
t. +31 78 68 11 502
e. [email protected]
s. send a support ticket to our team
Demo & upgrade
Do you want to upgrade your DEPOT Software environment with this module. Schedule a call with our team of call us at +31 78 68 11 502
Product information
Productcode: CLS.310.DFM
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